This new lens has vivid color, wide aperture, small depth of field.
Naam Thai, 泰国菜,进去,坐下,感受一下环境,一切都很不错,菜上来之后,要么没味,要么酸酸的,不是我喜欢的口味。但样子还不错,很适合拍照。
Naam Thai is a restaurant served Thai food. Good environment, I first thought it was great, but after the dishes were brought on. I found everything there is sour, not my type. Anyhow they look good:)
烤鱼 Grilled Fish
烤猪颈肉 Grilled Pork Neck
柠檬茶 Lemon Tea
泰式虾卷 Shrimp Rolls
鸡汤 Chicken Soup
餐具 Utensils
用来装饰的青柠 Lime for decoration
桌子 Table
Japanese cuisine. There were more than 10 Americans in it, talking so loudly.
We didn’t eat much, food there are good and fresh.
海胆,三文鱼 Sea Urchin, Salmon
金枪鱼,甜虾 Tuna, Shrimp
象拔蚌,北极贝 Geoduck, Surf Clam
鰤鱼,北极贝 Yellowtail, Surf Clam
鳕鱼 Cod Fish
虾天妇罗 Tempura Prawn
海盐虾 Fried Shrimp with sea salt